How to pronounce '11|'?


Staff member
How did you know about 11l?

11l is pronounced "elevenel".

Also please read this page to understand why this language is so named.
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New member
And here I thought it was based on the movie 'Spinal Tap' :D

But joking aside, that's very interesting ... 11 base or root key words.


New member
To answer your original question, I learned about 11l through Rosetta Code. One of the 11l algorithms had referred to Nim which I'm somewhat familiar with :) (y)


New member
Has there been much thought about how some may misinterpret the name or acronym 11l ? In programming, we know that the capital L suffix is used for the long data type (eg. Java, etc..) vs lower case because it can be easily confused with the number 1. Various Font styles especially sans serif can make 'I' look like a '|' or 'I' <--- those are uppercase I (eye), a pipe character and a lowercase L. It may be a good idea to create a svg logo using an appropriate typeface that is more easily readable and that will remain steadfast if the fonts of the webpage is changed. JetBrains Mono Typeface is a good example:

11l-jetbrains mono.png


Staff member
It may be a good idea to create a svg logo using an appropriate typeface that is more easily readable
I don't find it very interesting to use a font for a logo in which the typeface of the number ‘1’ and the lowercase letter ‘el’ are noticeably different. Because, after all, this is true for the vast majority of fonts.

So I intentionally chose a font in which these characters are not just very similar, but visually exactly the same.

You can guess what font it is using Sublime Text:
  1. Download Sublime Text (I prefer portable version).
  2. Run Sublime Text and open Settings via menu Preferences.
  3. Paste this 3 lines right before closing curly brace:
        "font_face": "???",
        "font_size": 9,
        "font_options": ["no_antialias"]


New member
Thank you for the tip with Sublime Text Alex! If you're wanting the characters to appear exactly the same, then you wouldn't it appear to approximate the roman numeral 3 `lll` ? ;)